Thermal study using fem for laser machining of SS 304

Author & Affiliation:
Ranganath B. J
Prof. Head HOD, Mechanical Engg. Vidya Vikas Institute of engineering and TEchnology, Mysore - 570010 (INDIA)
Viswanath G.
Research Fellow, Dr. MGR University, Chennai, and Prof of Physics, Saradavilas College, Mysore - 570004 (INDIA)
Stainless Steel, Laser cutting, Finite element model.
Issue Date:
August 2008

This paper presents the finite element method to determine the temperature profile within the volume of the material during laser cutting of 304 grade stainless steel. The commercially available ANSYS software is used to find the solution for the finite element analysis. The results of the study showed that the temperature distribution is confined to a small region which is in agreement with the theoretical predictions.

2319-8052 (Online) - 2231-3478 (Print)
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R. B. J; V. G., "Thermal study using fem for laser machining of SS 304", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 20, Issue 2, Page Number 253-256, 2018

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R. B. J; V. G., "Thermal study using fem for laser machining of SS 304", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 20, Issue 2, Page Number 253-256, 2018

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