Modified second order slope rotatable designs with equi-spaced levels using pairwise balanced designs

Author & Affiliation:
B. Re. Victorbabu
Department of Statics, Acharya Nagarajuna University, GUNTUR - 522 510 (A.P.). INDIA
Second order response surface designs, equi-spaced doses designs,, modified second order slope rotatable designs
Issue Date:
August 2008

In this paper, a new method of construction of modified second order slope rotatable designs with equi-spaced levels using pairwise balanced designs is suggested. The proposed method may sometimes lead to designs with less number of design points than those available in the literature. A table is provided where for a range of different values of v (v-stands for number of factors) the design points needed by different methods are compared for .

2319-8052 (Online) - 2231-3478 (Print)
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B. R. Victorbabu, "Modified second order slope rotatable designs with equi-spaced levels using pairwise balanced designs", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 20, Issue 2, Page Number 257-262, 2018

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B. R. Victorbabu, "Modified second order slope rotatable designs with equi-spaced levels using pairwise balanced designs", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 20, Issue 2, Page Number 257-262, 2018

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