Frequently Asked Questions

Q-Which type of papers are published in Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences?
The "Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences” publishes original and innovative research papers in all pure and applied branches of Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Geology,  Engineering, Management, Bio Sciences, Material Science,  Nanotechnology, Rural Technology, Computer Aided Engineering, interdisciplinary subjects and other related subjects


Q-What is submission of manuscript ?
Submission of manuscript implies that they are not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that they have not been and will not be published in whole or in part in other Journal. We need only softcopy Open file  in MS word format for journal for all subjects (Physics, Geology, Engineering, Nanotechnology, Biosciences, Material Science, Management )and MS Word or LaTeX with PDF for Mathematics.

Q- How to submit manuscript in the journal?

The submission of manuscript is through electronically in ms word format by email or through PAPER SUBMISSION form on the website.

Q- Criteria of acceptance of Manuscript?
Manuscripts are accepted after the recommendations of the referees. The research articles should be in proper format prescribed in the journal with proper referencing. The authors should submit the copyright form along with the manuscript.    

Q- Address for  correspondence?
Manuscripts and other correspondence are to be addressed to:

 Dr. A.H. Ansari( Chief Editor) 

Email: chiefeditor@ultrascientist.org , jusps2001@gmail.com,

Atif Aziz  ( Editor)

Email: editor@ultrascientist.org

Address: HIG D- 18 Kahkashan complex phase-2 BDA Colony Koh-e-Fiza Bhopal (M.P.) -462001 (INDIA)
Registered Letters should also be sent to the above address

Q  In what format of the Research Papers published?

The research papers are published in both Online and Print Version .

Q What is the source of revenue?

JUSPS -B is an open access journal. The expenditure on staff , maimtaining website, print publication and operations are carried out by article processing charges.




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