Corrections to ccw predictions for the motion of cylindrical hydromagnetic shock waves in a self-gravitating rotating gas 

Author & Affiliation:
S. Kumar
Physics Department Agra College, Agra - 282 002 (INDIA)
S.K. Singh
Physics Department Agra College, Agra - 282 002 (INDIA)
M.K. Ranau00a0
Physics Department Agra College, Agra - 282 002 (INDIA)
Hydromagnetic , shock waves, Effects of overtaking disturbances
Issue Date:
August 2008

Effects of overtaking disturbances behind the flow in CCW1-3 approach have been included to describe the motion of cylindrical hydromagnetic shock wave in a self-gravitating rotating gas. The magnetic filed is assumed to have only constant axial (HZo = constant) and variable azimuthal (Hqo = r1/2 Hz) components, taking an initial density distribution as r0 = r'e-lr, where r' is the density on the axis of symmetry and l is a non-dimensionalising constant. Cases of reverse trends of variation of flow variables with inclusion of e.o.d have been highlighted. 

2319-8052 (Online) - 2231-3478 (Print)
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S. Kumar; S. Singh; M. Ranau00a0, "Corrections to ccw predictions for the motion of cylindrical hydromagnetic shock waves in a self-gravitating rotating gas ", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 20, Issue 2, Page Number 201-222, 2018

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S. Kumar; S. Singh; M. Ranau00a0, "Corrections to ccw predictions for the motion of cylindrical hydromagnetic shock waves in a self-gravitating rotating gas ", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 20, Issue 2, Page Number 201-222, 2018

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