Synthesis, characterization and dielectric properties of Re2Zr2O7 (Re = Y & Gd)

Priyanka Rani, A.N. Thakur and Pooja Raghuvanshi

Department of Physics, Tilak Dhari Post Grduate College Jaunpur India

 dielectric constant; dielectric loss; XRD; DTA; TGA; DTG; Y2Zr2O7; Gd2Zr2O7.
Issue Date:
August 2011

The polycrystalline rare-earth metal zirconates Re2Zr2O7, where Re = Y and Gd have been synthesized by the solid state reaction technique. The synthesis process was monitored by differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG). The compounds were characterized through powder XRD. XRD patterns show them to be single phase orthorhombic structure at room temperature. The dielectric constant (e´) and dielectric loss (e") of the compounds have been measured at 1kHz in the temperature range 300 to 1125K. The log e´ vs T and log e´´ vplots of Y2Zr2O7 and Gd2Zr2O7 show rapid increase of dielectric constant and dielectric loss above 700K and 680K respectively. 

2319-8052 (Online) - 2231-3478 (Print)
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Priyanka Rani, A.N. Thakur and Pooja Raghuvanshi , "Synthesis, characterization and dielectric properties of Re2Zr2O7 (Re = Y & Gd) ", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page Number 285-292, 2016

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Priyanka Rani, A.N. Thakur and Pooja Raghuvanshi , "Synthesis, characterization and dielectric properties of Re2Zr2O7 (Re = Y & Gd) ", Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page Number 285-292, 2016

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